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Category: Songwriting & production

Song production & composition

By admin, 2006-06-04

get your songs produced by the friendly and award winning team @
intonation - tom fox (whose work has recently been recorded by josh groban
platinum selling grammy award winning artist) and marshall smith (an apra
silver scroll finalist for 'song of the year' 2004) can help you finish
those hit songs you've got laying around in your diaries and on old
cassette recorders. they can co-write, re-arrange and produce songs
in any style - from demos right up to radio singles and cater for
most budgets. Check out:
http://www.intonationproductions.com for more details, email
tom@intonationproductions.com or text/call Marshall on 021 611 316

About Us Intonationproductions
Intonation is a production company catering to the audio industry that provides music production, songwriting and composition services for artists, film, TV, music libraries, advertising agencies and other emerging media. Intonation also publishes and licenses original music for placement in film, TV and advertising.