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Plum & Jim
About Us Plum & Jim
Plum was born a small bear in the tiny town of Ecatahuna. He was taken of his parents quickly by his mentor apricot the philosophor. Apricot taught him everything he needed to know in the first few days of his life. Plum then ventured out and brought a yoghurt factory in Patea. From there over the next two years he built his yoghut company Yo-Plum. Yo-Plum is now a multi million dollar company encompasing 20 yoghurt factories and two sherbert factories after failed attemps as a race car driver, brewer and movie star he has chosen a musical path. Jim was a news presenter, he unfortunately was killed by a man called benji but has now come back as a spirit into this world.  
They have come together give back to the world that has given so much to them...............except Jim (who had a crap life and was killed)
All music noise and everyday sounds